Lifestyle Galaxy has spent a key portion of 2018 preparing for major expansions of our business which are about to arrive. We are doing so by strengthening our foundation in ways that will greatly benefit all our good members.

Lifestyle Galaxy’s Campaign Against Marketing Hype is one of our fundamentals.

Its a key part of what we expect from our Certified Independent Representatives.

As mentioned on our last Company Webinar:

* Members with higher meritocratic rankings will receive key privileges

* We seek to eliminate all unethical marketers – those who knowingly violate our Policies and Ethical Standards

We have a big vision for the success of our members.

We inspire members to achieve amazing goals and lifestyle upgrades.

Long term success will be achieved by protecting all of our good members.

This can only be achieved if our Policies and Ethical Standards are followed.

Please carefully read the “Policies regarding Giga Watt Mining Interview Video” announcement which also falls under the policies of our campaign against marketing hype, which will be communicated very soon.

We love our Servant Leaders. As a movement, we are dedicated to making certain that the higher ethical values of Lifestyle Galaxy Compliance are the values that all of our Certified Independent Representatives live by.